Starting The New Year Out Right Means Developing Success Habits

I am currently preparing for a successful year for my family and I. I keep reminding my two Lil Rascals that a whole lot of shit just not gone fly come next year. I was soo disappointed when my son bought home his last report card and it was straight F’s !!! Apart of me wanted to do damage but because the current situation we are in (I’ll discuss that in another post) I went easy on him. I just reassured him that we get to work better at our grades and until we see some straight A’s on that next report card his “fun time” will be cut real real short. I try to let my kids be kids that I often feel like I have failed as a parent because I have a habit of giving in TOO EASILY. As a single mother, it can get very overwhelming.

So in order to avoid the problems that I was experiencing in 2015 we all get to develop new habits that will bring us much success! And so far so good! The more we keep practicing good habits it will become second nature to us. The goal here is to have these new success habits planted in their mind that when I’m not around they still keep them. Let’s start our new year right by developing these habits if you haven’t done so already:

1. Always begin with the end in mind. In other words, BE a Planner. Where do you want to go? Who do you want to be? Once you know the answer to those questions, you have to follow the right map. Habits are like a map. Follow the right map and success will follow.

2. Don’t just set ordinary goals. Make it a habit to set Improvement, Caring and Time Management Goals. Be the best you can be in all you do. Be kind, keep promises, and always be a friend to others and yourself.

3. Be responsible. Responsibility is a habit you must develop and maintain throughout life. It means thinking before you act, which helps us make good decisions. Being responsible helps us solve problems without blaming others when things go wrong.

4. Learn to listen. Listening improves our success by leaps and bounds. When we listen carefully, we pay close attention to another person’s words, how they may be feeling, and we learn. Listen before speaking and success will be yours.

5. Work together with others. Success is not individual. Success only happens when we cooperate with others. A sporting team does not win because one player wins. Its always a team effort!

The secret of success is constancy to purpose.

~ Benjamin Disraeli